Access Keys:

Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


Welcome to Dunseverick Primary School. We are extremely proud of our school and hope that you will enjoy finding out about our wonderful school! Our aim is to provide a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ for ALL pupils as required by the Northern Ireland Curriculum within the context of a caring, happy and safe environment.

 Dunseverick Primary School has an excellent reputation in the local and wider community and our children are proud to be pupils here. We believe all children have the right to be educated in a safe and caring environment.  We seek to promote a Christian ethos at Dunseverick and we endeavour to support different learning styles and encourage pupils to fulfil their potential.  We are committed to encouraging healthy habits and enabling children to become responsible and positive members of society.  Education is a partnership between home and school and we place a great deal of emphasis on our partnership with parents. We believe that children learn best when home and school work together for their benefit.  When your child starts school, it is not where your job ends and ours begins. It is where our job begins and yours continues!

Our school operates an ‘Open Door’ policy. If you would like to meet with me, visit the school or receive further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school and we can share more of what Dunseverick Primary School can offer your child.

Mrs L Smyth


Latest News

11th Oct 2024
Introducing our digital leaders team!! We look forward to you all sharing your skills...
11th Oct 2024
Our newly appointed house captains for 2024-2025: Sarah-Jane and Josh for Dunseverick,...
10th Oct 2024
P7’s have been learning and investigating angles! Today we took our learning...

Latest Photographs


Upcoming Events...

Monday, 21st October 2024
Teacher/Parent consultations
Tuesday, 22nd October 2024
Teacher/Parent consultations
Wednesday, 23rd October 2024
Teacher/Parent consultations
Thursday, 24th October 2024
Harvest Assembly (9:30am start)
Monday, 28th October 2024
School Closed - Half term Holidays