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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


2023/2024 School Year

21st Dec 2023
Come along to our Open Afternoon on Wednesday 10th January - 4.30pm - 6.00pm. See...
21st Dec 2023
We are extremely proud of all our pupils who took part in our ‘12 acts of Christmas...
14th Dec 2023
Everyone had a great evening at our ‘movie and munch night’ run by the...
12th Dec 2023
Our arts and crafts club finished off this term with some fabulous Christmas crafts!...
12th Dec 2023
P7 have been learning about fractions.  They used sweets and chocolate to help...
12th Dec 2023
P7 took part in different activities to highlight antibullying week.  They looked...
12th Dec 2023
R/P1 have been enjoying the run up to Christmas with lots of activities in school. ...
12th Dec 2023
P1 have been learning about the number before and after, and what is 1 more and 1...
12th Dec 2023
Our new topic is called 'Twinkle Twinkle'.  We will be learning about the solar...
12th Dec 2023
R/P1 have been investing things that can float and sink.  We all predicted what...