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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


2023/2024 School Year

12th Dec 2023
P1 have been very busy learning new sounds in phonics! We spend lots of time practicing...
12th Dec 2023
In R/P1 we had great fun creating potions, investigating Autumn leaves, pumpkins...
12th Dec 2023
Our first topic was called, 'A time to rhyme'.  We learned about changes over...
12th Dec 2023
P1 love using the I-pads to practise our phonics sounds! We enjoy using different...
12th Dec 2023
P1 have been learning about patterns!  They had great fun creating their own...
12th Dec 2023
R/P1 have been enjoying playtime in school.  They love making use of our outdoor...
12th Dec 2023
In our first few days of Rec/P1, we read a beautiful story called 'The Invisible...
12th Dec 2023
P5/6 have been using the I-Pads in class to research facts and information about...
12th Dec 2023
P5/6 have been enjoying cross country as part of their P.E!
12th Dec 2023
P5/6 worked in pairs to complete maths challenges, working on our problem solving...