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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills
Open Afternoon Wednesday 15th January 4:30pm-6:30pm
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Spring Has Sprung!

21st Mar 2024

Rec/P1 have had a busy month. With a different 'Minibeast of the Week' each week, we have been doing lots of reading, report writing and hunting. Children are really enjoying this topic and we love getting outside more in the better weather too. 

Our tadpoles are on their way to becoming froglets and we can't wait to see the change in them after our Easter break. We have been looking at the changes to Spring recently too and enjoyed some lovely arts and crafts activities in class. 

In numeracy, we have been learning all about measure, finding the different lengths and heights of objects, comparing and ordering different minibeasts and even collecting data to create our own bar charts and pictograms. We have been looking at ladybirds and the patterns on their wings, double numbers to 10 and numbers bonds to 5. In literacy we have been focusing on report writing, information vs imagination, recalling information and sequencing.