Our School Day

Our School Day
8.00am—8.40am Breakfast Club
8.40am—9.00am Staff on duty in playground
9.00am School Day begins
10.45—11.00am Break Time
12.15pm—1.00pm Lunch Time
1.00pm Reception Finishing Time
2.00pm P1—P3 Finishing Time
2.00pm—3.00pm 223 Club (P1—P3 pupils—Optional)
3.00pm P4—P7 Finishing Time
3.00pm—4.00pm Afterschool Clubs
3.00pm—5.00pm Dunseverick Play & Stay
These times may change to facilitate special events such as Educational Visits or early closures, but parents will be informed prior to any changes which affect transport arrangements
*2pm finish for all pupils every Friday*
Dunseverick Primary School, 215 Whitepark Rd, Dunseverick, Bushmills BT57 8SR | Phone: 028 2073 1600