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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


2023/2024 School Year

8th Mar 2024
P2/3 were delighted to have baby George in this morning for another family visit...
7th Mar 2024
Our football team travelled to Coleraine his afternoon to take part in the Gowland...
7th Mar 2024
We have been celebrating World Book Day in school today! 📚😊 We decided to have...
6th Mar 2024
Rec/P1 had such a great time on Monday visiting the Giant's Causeway for a Minibeast...
29th Feb 2024
As part of our new topic, we have been learning all about the life cycle of a frog!...
29th Feb 2024
P1 really enjoyed their Shared Reading time with P7 buddies last week. The peer reading...
29th Feb 2024
P2/3 are learning about instructions in our writing. We started today by looking...
29th Feb 2024
P2/3 have been learning about weight this week! We had great fun estimating and measuring...
22nd Feb 2024
What a fab night we had at our school disco!! Everyone certainly had their dancing...
20th Feb 2024
P2/3 have started anew topic called, ‘yum, yum!’ We will be learning...