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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills

News - Primary 4/5

17th Oct 2024
We had a visit from the water bus today! Pupils from P4-7 had the opportunity to...
16th Oct 2024
P4/5 have been busy creating fact files about the Great Fire of London in ICT!
16th Oct 2024
P4/5 have been learning about length! Everyone had great fun measuring things around...
25th Sep 2024
P4/5 have been busy in activity based learning! They have been creating scratch projects,...
25th Sep 2024
P4/5 have been learning about time in Numeracy this week! We played some time games...
18th Sep 2024
P4/5 enjoyed creating some art this afternoon inspired by their topic, 'Bright Sparks'.