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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


11th Oct 2024
Our newly appointed house captains for 2024-2025: Sarah-Jane and Josh for Dunseverick,...
10th Oct 2024
P7’s have been learning and investigating angles! Today we took our learning...
10th Oct 2024
Congratulations to our newly appointed school councillors- Jessica, Luke, Elsie,...
9th Oct 2024
Our baking club made some delicious banana muffins this afternoon!! They smelt so...
9th Oct 2024
P2/3 are continuing to learn about narrative writing in Literacy.  They used...
9th Oct 2024
In Numeracy, P1/2 have been learning about directional language and how to operate...
9th Oct 2024
P1 have been sorting 2D shapes. They looked at all the familiar shapes we have...
9th Oct 2024
P2/3 have been learning about food chains in their topic work. We found out what...
9th Oct 2024
P5/6 worked together to create a 'brain house' where they store their emotions!
4th Oct 2024
Pupils in P3-P7 voted this morning for their new school councillors! The votes are...