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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


2023/2024 School Year

6th Oct 2023
Our R/P1/P2 pupils enjoyed listening to stories, planting seeds and crafts as part...
4th Oct 2023
Our cooking club made some s’mores this afternoon! They enjoyed them with...
28th Sep 2023
Congratulations to Septembers monthly stars and Principal award winners- we are very...
27th Sep 2023
Our cooking club made French toast this week! 😋🧑‍🍳⭐️
22nd Sep 2023
Our 2023 Buddies! We love having a buddy scheme at Dunseverick Primary School! Pairing...
22nd Sep 2023
P2/3 are taking part in the Roots of Empathy programme this year! We were all so...
20th Sep 2023
P3 have been learning how to put words in alphabetical order. They took part in practical...
20th Sep 2023
P2/3 have been finding out about safari animals! We watched some videos about safari...
20th Sep 2023
Primary 5 and 6 had a brilliant day at Mountsandel Forest, they explored the role...
20th Sep 2023
Our cooking club had great fun making quesadillas today!! Everyone said they tasted...