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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


2023/2024 School Year

14th Sep 2023
Introducing this years house captains- Emily and Jak for Whitepark, Rose and Rowan...
14th Sep 2023
Congratulations to our newly appointed digital leaders- Rose, Lydia, Jak, Jessie...
8th Sep 2023
P2/3 have been enjoying play based learning through our safari topic! 🦁🐘🦒
8th Sep 2023
P2/3’s first topic is called ‘on an adventure’! We spent some time...

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
You may remember way back in March our school council decided to partition for a...
29th Jun 2023
We had a fantastic evening on Tuesday at our sponsored walk! To date we have raised...
23rd Jun 2023
Our Eco-Committee were delighted to receive the Green Flag today! A special thanks...
23rd Jun 2023
Prize Day 2023- we had such a special morning celebrating all our fantastic pupils!...
22nd Jun 2023
Our R/P1 and P7 buddies had great fun at their buddy water fun day! What a super...
21st Jun 2023
We had our annual whole school trip today! This year we decided to go to Portrush!...