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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


2022/2023 School Year

2nd Jun 2023
Our R/P1 and P7 buddies made the most of the beautiful weather this morning and...
31st May 2023
We had our final family session with baby Rex in Roots of Empathy today. 🥲 P3/4...
24th May 2023
Primary 5 and 6 had the Fire Service in this afternoon, telling us about how to...
24th May 2023
We had 10 of our pupils representing our school today in the Community Schools cup...
19th May 2023
We had a special visitor in Assembly today - Laura (Daisy and Bonnie’s mum)....
19th May 2023
We have enjoyed our second ‘Feel Good Friday’ in school today! Everyone...
4th May 2023
We’ve been celebrating the coronation today in school with lots of fun activities!!...
2nd May 2023
P3/4 are learning about communication in theme 7 of our Roots of Empathy programme....
28th Apr 2023
We celebrated our first ‘Feel Good Friday’ today! Everyone wore what...
21st Apr 2023
P7 have had a fantastic time away on a two day residential to Co.Donegal with Carrowreagh...