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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills


2023/2024 School Year

6th Mar 2024
Rec/P1 had such a great time on Monday visiting the Giant's Causeway for a Minibeast...
29th Feb 2024
As part of our new topic, we have been learning all about the life cycle of a frog!...
29th Feb 2024
P1 really enjoyed their Shared Reading time with P7 buddies last week. The peer reading...
29th Feb 2024
P2/3 are learning about instructions in our writing. We started today by looking...
29th Feb 2024
P2/3 have been learning about weight this week! We had great fun estimating and measuring...
22nd Feb 2024
What a fab night we had at our school disco!! Everyone certainly had their dancing...
20th Feb 2024
P2/3 have started anew topic called, ‘yum, yum!’ We will be learning...
19th Feb 2024
Our P5/6 pupils took part in a 2 night residential trip to Castlewellan just before...
9th Feb 2024
Lots of pancake fun today in school!! 😋🥞😊
7th Feb 2024
We celebrated ‘Safer Internet Day’ yesterday in school with each class...