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Dunseverick Primary School, Dunseverick, Bushmills

News - Primary 5/6

2023/2024 School Year

12th Dec 2023
P5/6 have been learning about adverbs in their Grammar work. We worked in small...
12th Dec 2023
P5/6 have been learning about Vikings in their topic work.  Everyone worked...
26th Oct 2023
What a super start to our swimming programme for our P6 class. Well done to all the...
26th Oct 2023
Our P5/6/7 pupils enjoyed a session with Sustrans active travel programme this morning!...
20th Sep 2023
Primary 5 and 6 had a brilliant day at Mountsandel Forest, they explored the role...

2022/2023 School Year

24th May 2023
Primary 5 and 6 had the Fire Service in this afternoon, telling us about how to...
17th Oct 2022
Our theme for Maths week was 'shape and space'.  P5/6 had great fun on a 3D...
27th Sep 2022
P5/6 had a visit from Anna, who works for Northern Ireland Water. She spoke to the...